Lavender Essential oil- A comprehensive guide 2023

Lavender essential oil is one of the most popular and versatile essential oils in aromatherapy. It has a floral, soothing, and calming scent that can help you relax, sleep, and cope with stress. But lavender essential oil is not only good for your mind, it also has many benefits for your skin, hair, and body. In this article, you will learn what lavender essential oil is, how it is made, what are its benefits, how to use it, what are its precautions and side effects, and what is its history.

What is Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil is a natural oil extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant (Lavandula angustifolia), a perennial evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean region. The word lavender comes from the Latin word “lavare”, which means “to wash”, as it was used for cleansing purposes in ancient times.

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil contains various chemical compounds that give it its unique aroma and properties. Some of the main compounds are linalool, linalyl acetate, camphor, terpinen-4-ol, and lavandulyl acetate. These compounds have different effects on the body and mind, such as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antidepressant, sedative, analgesic, and more.

How is Lavender Essential Oil Made?

Lavender essential oil is produced using an extraction method called steam distillation. This method involves heating water and the plant material up to the boiling point, capturing the essential oil vapors as they rise, then cooling the vapors and allowing them to condense back into liquid so the essential oil can be collected.

Lavender essential oil

Steam distillation is the most common way to extract lavender essential oil because it preserves the quality and aroma of the oil better than other methods. However, there are also other methods of extraction, such as solvent extraction, CO2 extraction, or cold pressing.

The quality and yield of lavender essential oil depend on various factors, such as the type and variety of lavender plant, the climate and soil conditions where it grows, the time and method of harvesting, the duration and temperature of distillation, and the storage and packaging of the oil.

What are the Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil has many benefits for your health and well-being. Here are some of the most common ones:

Lavender Essential Oil for Skin

Lavender essential oil is great for your skin because it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that can help you with various skin issues. For example:

  • It can help heal minor wounds, burns, cuts, scrapes, insect bites, and sunburns by reducing inflammation, pain, infection, and scarring.
  • It can help treat acne by killing bacteria that cause pimples, reducing redness and swelling, and balancing sebum production.
  • It can help soothe eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and other skin inflammations by moisturizing dry skin, relieving itching and irritation, and promoting skin regeneration.
  • It can help prevent or reduce signs of aging by protecting your skin from free radical damage, stimulating collagen production, and improving skin elasticity.

Lavender essential oil

To use lavender essential oil for your skin, you can dilute it with a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil or almond oil) and apply it directly to your skin or add it to your skincare products (such as creams or lotions). You can also make your own DIY lavender face mask by mixing 2 tablespoons of honey with 4 drops of lavender essential oil and applying it to your face for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Lavender Essential Oil for Hair

Lavender essential oil is also good for your hair because it has antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you with various hair problems. For example:

  • It can help prevent or treat dandruff by killing the fungus that causes it, reducing scalp inflammation and flaking, and moisturizing dry scalp.
  • It can help promote hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp, nourishing hair follicles, and preventing hair loss.
  • It can help improve hair quality by adding shine, softness, and fragrance to your hair, as well as protecting it from damage and breakage.

Lavender essential oil

To use lavender essential oil for your hair, you can dilute it with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or olive oil) and massage it into your scalp and hair or add it to your shampoo or conditioner. You can also make your own DIY lavender hair spray by mixing 1 cup of distilled water with 10 drops of lavender essential oil and spraying it on your hair after washing it.

Lavender Essential Oil for Relaxation and Sleep

Lavender essential oil is well-known for its relaxing and calming effects on the mind and body. It can help you with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and other mood disorders by:

  • Reducing cortisol levels, which are the stress hormones that can cause physical and mental tension.
  • Increasing serotonin levels, which are the neurotransmitters that regulate mood, sleep, appetite, and pain perception.
  • Activating the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of the nervous system that controls rest and digestion.
  • Inducing alpha brain waves, which are the brain waves associated with relaxation and meditation.

Get enough sleep and rest

To use lavender essential oil for relaxation and sleep, you can inhale it directly from the bottle or a diffuser, apply it to your temples or wrists, or add it to your bath water or pillow. You can also make your own DIY lavender sleep spray by mixing 1/4 cup of witch hazel with 10 drops of lavender essential oil and spraying it on your bed sheets before going to sleep.

Lavender Essential Oil for Pain and Inflammation

Lavender essential oil is also effective for relieving pain and inflammation caused by various conditions, such as headaches, migraines, menstrual cramps, arthritis, muscle spasms, and more. It can help you by:

  • Blocking pain signals from reaching the brain,
  • Reducing inflammation and swelling,
  • Relaxing tense muscles and nerves,
  • Improving blood flow and oxygen delivery to the affected area.

Lavender essential oil

To use lavender essential oil for pain and inflammation, you can dilute it with a carrier oil (such as grapeseed oil or avocado oil) and apply it to the painful or inflamed area or add it to a warm compress or a hot water bottle. You can also make your own DIY lavender pain relief salve by melting 1/4 cup of beeswax with 1/2 cup of coconut oil in a double boiler and adding 20 drops of lavender essential oil. Pour the mixture into a jar and let it cool before using it.

Lavender Essential Oil for Mood and Anxiety

Lavender essential oil is also beneficial for improving your mood and reducing anxiety. It can help you by:

  • Balancing your hormones,
  • Boosting your self-esteem and confidence,
  • Enhancing your cognitive performance and memory,
  • Easing emotional distress and negative thoughts.

To use lavender essential oil for mood and anxiety, you can inhale it directly from the bottle or a diffuser, apply it to your temples or wrists, or add it to your bath water or massage oil. You can also make your own DIY lavender aromatherapy candle by melting 1/4 cup of soy wax in a microwave-safe container and adding 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Pour the mixture into a glass jar with a wick and let it harden before lighting it.

How to Use Lavender Essential Oil?

There are many ways to use lavender essential oil depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common ones:

Lavender Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

One of the easiest ways to use lavender essential oil is to diffuse it in an aromatherapy diffuser. This way, you can enjoy its scent and benefits throughout your home or office. You can also mix lavender essential oil with other essential oils to create different aromas and effects. Here are some examples of lavender essential oil diffuser recipes:

  • For relaxation: 4 drops of lavender + 3 drops of chamomile + 2 drops of ylang ylang
  • For sleep: 5 drops of lavender + 3 drops of cedarwood + 2 drops of vetiver
  • For stress: 4 drops of lavender + 3 drops of bergamot + 2 drops of frankincense
  • For mood: 5 drops of lavender + 4 drops of orange + 2 drops of peppermint
  • For headache: 3 drops of lavender + 3 drops of peppermint + 2 drops of rosemary

Lavender essential oil

To use these recipes, simply add the essential oil drops to your diffuser and turn it on. You can adjust the amount of drops according to your preference and the size of your room.

Lavender Essential Oil Massage Blends

Another way to use lavender essential oil is to massage it into your skin. This way, you can enjoy its benefits for your skin, muscles, and nerves. You can also mix lavender essential oil with other essential oils and a carrier oil to create different massage blends. Here are some examples of lavender essential oil massage blends:

  • For relaxation: 10 drops of lavender + 5 drops of chamomile + 5 drops of ylang ylang + 2 tablespoons of almond oil
  • For sleep: 10 drops of lavender + 5 drops of cedarwood + 5 drops of vetiver + 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil
  • For stress: 10 drops of lavender + 5 drops of bergamot + 5 drops of frankincense + 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil
  • For mood: 10 drops of lavender + 5 drops of orange + 5 drops of peppermint + 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • For headache: 10 drops of lavender + 5 drops of peppermint + 5 drops of rosemary + 2 tablespoons of avocado oil

To use these blends, simply mix the essential oils and the carrier oil in a glass bottle and shake well. Then, apply a small amount to your palms and rub them together. Massage the blend into your neck, shoulders, back, arms, legs, or wherever you feel tension or pain. You can also ask someone to massage you with the blend for a more relaxing experience.

Lavender Essential Oil Bath and Body Products

A third way to use lavender essential oil is to add it to your bath and body products. This way, you can enjoy its benefits for your skin, hair, and senses. You can also make your own DIY lavender bath and body products with simple ingredients and lavender essential oil. Here are some examples of lavender essential oil bath and body products:

  • For bath: Add 10 drops of lavender essential oil to a cup of Epsom salt and stir well. Pour the mixture into your bathtub filled with warm water and soak for 20 minutes. You can also add some dried lavender flowers for extra aroma and beauty.
  • For body scrub: Mix 1/2 cup of sugar with 1/4 cup of coconut oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil in a bowl. Scrub the mixture onto your wet skin in circular motions and rinse off. You can also add some dried lavender flowers for extra exfoliation and fragrance.

Lavender essential oil

  • For body lotion: Melt 1/4 cup of shea butter with 1/4 cup of coconut oil in a double boiler over low heat. Remove from heat and add 20 drops of lavender essential oil and stir well. Pour the mixture into a jar and let it cool before using it.
  • For lip balm: Melt 1 tablespoon of beeswax with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a microwave-safe container for about 30 seconds. Add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and stir well. Pour the mixture into a lip balm tube or container and let it harden before using it.

What are the Precautions and Side Effects of Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil is generally safe to use for most people, but there are some precautions and side effects that you should be aware of before using it. Here are some of them:

  • Lavender essential oil may cause allergic reactions in some people, such as skin rashes, itching, swelling, or breathing difficulties. If you have a history of allergies or sensitive skin, do a patch test before using lavender essential oil by applying a small amount to your inner elbow or wrist and waiting for 24 hours. If you experience any adverse reaction, stop using it immediately and consult your doctor.
  • Lavender essential oil may interact with some medications, such as antidepressants, sedatives, blood pressure drugs, or hormone therapy drugs. If you are taking any medication, consult your doctor before using lavender essential oil or avoid using it altogether.
  • Lavender essential oil may have hormonal effects on some people, especially young boys or pregnant women. It may cause breast growth in boys or affect the development of the fetus in pregnant women. If you are a boy under the age of puberty or a pregnant woman, avoid using lavender essential oil or use it with caution.
  • Lavender essential oil may cause drowsiness or dizziness in some people, especially if used in large amounts or combined with other sedative substances. If you use lavender essential oil, do not drive or operate heavy machinery until you know how it affects you.
  • Lavender essential oil may cause skin irritation or photosensitivity in some people, especially if used undiluted or exposed to sunlight after application. If you use lavender essential oil on your skin, dilute it with a carrier oil first and avoid direct sunlight for at least 12 hours after application.

What is the History of Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender essential oil has a long and rich history that dates back to ancient times. Here are some of the historical facts about lavender essential oil:

  • The ancient Egyptians used lavender essential oil for mummification and perfumery. They also burned lavender incense to honor their gods and goddesses.
  • The ancient Greeks and Romans used lavender essential oil for bathing, cooking, and healing. They also gave lavender flowers to their soldiers to carry with them for courage and protection.
  • The medieval Europeans used lavender essential oil for hygiene, medicine, and religious purposes. They also hung lavender sachets in their homes to ward off evil spirits and pests.
  • The Renaissance artists and writers used lavender essential oil for inspiration, creativity, and romance. They also painted lavender flowers in their artworks and wrote about them in their poems and stories.
  • The Victorian ladies used lavender essential oil for beauty, fashion, and etiquette. They also wore lavender corsages and gloves to show their status and charm.
  • The modern people use lavender essential oil for aromatherapy, wellness, and lifestyle. They also enjoy lavender products such as candles, soap, tea, and more.


Lavender essential oil is a wonderful natural oil that can offer you many benefits for your mind, body, and soul. It can help you relax, sleep, heal, beautify, and more. You can use it in various ways depending on your needs and preferences. However, you should also be careful of its precautions and side effects and use it responsibly. Lavender essential oil is a gift from nature that you can enjoy and appreciate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How is lavender essential oil extracted?Through steam distillation of the flowers.
  2. Can I ingest lavender oil?It’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before ingesting any essential oils.
  3. Does lavender oil repel insects?Yes, it can act as a natural repellent for moths and mosquitoes.
  4. Can I use lavender oil for my hair?Absolutely! It can promote hair growth and reduce dandruff.
  5. Is lavender oil safe for pets?While it’s generally safe for dogs in small amounts, it can be toxic to cats. Always consult a vet before using.

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