Melissa Essential Oil- A comprehensive overview 2023

Melissa essential oil, also known as lemon balm oil, is a highly sought-after essential oil that has been used for centuries for its numerous health benefits. It is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the Melissa officinalis plant, which is native to the Mediterranean region. Melissa essential oil is known for its sweet, pleasant, fresh aroma, and its amazing effects on the skin, blood, and nervous system. In this article, we will explore the key benefits of Melissa essential oil, how to use it, and why it is so expensive.

Melissa Essential Oil

Extraction of Melissa Essential Oil

Melissa essential oil is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the Melissa officinalis plant. There are different methods of extraction, including hydrodistillation, steam distillation, and solvent-free microwave extraction. The most common method of extraction is steam distillation, which involves passing steam through the plant material to extract the oil.

Melissa essential oil is widely used for its ability to bring acceptance and understanding to one experiencing emotional shock, anger, fear, and grief. The oil restores clarity and contributes to the resolution of emotions hidden deep in the psyche. Melissa Essential Oil is very calming and uplifting, while instilling joy in every cell of your being.

Melissa palnt

Key Benefits of Melissa Essential Oil

Skin and Hair Rejuvenation

Melissa essential oil is often added to many skin care balms, salves, and lotions. The oil is very soothing to all skin types and has been proven to help with skin conditions and skin irritations. It is also used for treating eczema and acne, as it is antibacterial and antifungal, allowing for these skin conditions to be flushed away by the healing components of the oil. Melissa essential oil also promotes hair growth and can be added to shampoos and conditioners to help with hair rejuvenation.

skin rejuvenation

Calming Tension and Nerves

Melissa essential oil works wonders for those who have chronic or occasional spasms of the digestive system, respiratory system, or muscular system. The oil is an antispasmodic and acts as a natural sedative for these occurrences. Melissa is very antibacterial, proving effective in inhibiting bacterial infections in the kidneys, colon, intestines, and urinary tract.

It also reduces fevers by releasing toxins and bacteria from the body by allowing the body’s temperature to decrease, by sweating. Melissa essential oil is a known nervine, which means that it can act as a tonic for your nerves and keep them calm. As a result, your nervous system stays healthy and functions correctly. This ensures that you can prevent nervous disorders including issues like vertigo, convulsions, and nervousness.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties

Melissa essential oil has strong antibacterial properties that work on internal and external wounds extremely well. It can be applied topically on to wounds to prevent any bacterial infections. Internally, Melissa oil prevents a number of bacterial infections such as UTI in women, kidney infections, and infections in the colon and intestines. It can also promote the speedy healing of these infections as it prohibits any bacteria present to multiply and grow, thereby limiting the infection and eliminating it.

Melissa oil and herpes

Melissa essential oil has been found to be effective in treating herpes outbreaks. A 2014 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Melissa oil was able to reduce the healing time of herpes simplex virus lesions by up to 50%. The study also found that Melissa oil was able to reduce the severity of the outbreaks and the frequency of recurrences.

Herpes virus

Digestive Health Support

Melissa essential oil is an effective stomachic, a substance that strengthens and heals the stomach from any internal wounds, while maintaining the flow of gastric juices. It also promotes sweating, which helps to flush out toxins from the body. Melissa oil also helps to relieve digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and constipation.

How to Use Melissa Essential Oil

Topical Application

Melissa essential oil can be applied topically to the skin. It is recommended to dilute the oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or almond oil before applying it to the skin. This will help to prevent any skin irritation or sensitivity. Melissa oil can be applied to the skin to help with skin conditions, wounds, and infections.

melissa oil for skin


Melissa essential oil can also be used in aromatherapy. It can be diffused in a diffuser or added to a bath to help with relaxation and stress relief. Melissa oil can also be added to a carrier oil and used for massage.

Why Melissa Oil is so expensive?

Melissa essential oil is one of the most expensive essential oils on the market. This is due to the fact that it takes a large amount of plant material to produce a small amount of oil. It takes approximately 3 to 7 tons of plant material to produce just 1 liter of Melissa essential oil. This makes it a rare and valuable oil.

Precautions and Side Effects

Melissa essential oil is generally safe for use when used properly. However, it is important to dilute the oil before applying it to the skin to prevent any skin irritation or sensitivity. It is also important to avoid using Melissa oil during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Melissa oil may also cause drowsiness, so it is important to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery after using the oil.


Melissa essential oil is a highly sought-after essential oil that has numerous health benefits. It is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, its ability to calm tension and nerves, and its ability to promote skin and hair rejuvenation. Melissa oil is also effective in treating herpes outbreaks and promoting digestive health. While Melissa oil is expensive, it is a rare and valuable oil that is worth the investment.


  1. Is Melissa essential oil safe for use during pregnancy?
    Melissa essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
  1. How is Melissa essential oil used for skin rejuvenation?
    Melissa essential oil can be added to skin care balms, salves, and lotions to help with skin conditions and skin irritations. It can also be added to shampoos and conditioners to promote hair growth.
  1. Can Melissa essential oil be used for aromatherapy?
    Yes, Melissa essential oil can be diffused in a diffuser or added to a bath for relaxation and stress relief.
  1. How is Melissa essential oil effective in treating herpes outbreaks?
    Melissa essential oil has been found to reduce the healing time of herpes simplex virus lesions by up to 50%. It also reduces the severity of the outbreaks and the frequency of recurrences.
  1. Is Melissa essential oil safe for internal use?
    Melissa essential oil can be taken internally, but it should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

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