Oregano Essential Oil- A comprehensive overview 2023

Oregano essential oil is a potent elixir that has been used for centuries due to its numerous health benefits. This article will explore the key components of oregano oil, its benefits, how to use it, and potential side effects. Oregano oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of the oregano plant (Origanum vulgare), which is a member of the mint family. The oil is extracted through a steam distillation process, which helps to preserve its beneficial properties.

Oregano leaves

Historical Uses of Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano has a rich history of use in traditional medicine. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, as well as for its ability to promote digestion and respiratory health. In more recent times, oregano oil has gained popularity for its potential in weight management, respiratory health, and as a natural remedy for various ailments.

Oregano essential oil

Key Components of Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano essential oil contains several key components that contribute to its health benefits. The most important of these is carvacrol, which is the most abundant phenol in oregano and has been shown to stop the growth of several different types of bacteria. Other vital components include thymol, a natural antifungal that can also support the immune system and protect against toxins, and rosmarinic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against damage caused by free radicals.

Oregano Essential Oil Benefits

Oregano oil offers a wide range of benefits due to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Some of its potential benefits include:

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Oregano oil has been found to fight against various types of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains, as well as viruses and fungi.
  • Antioxidant Abilities: The high concentration of antioxidants in oregano oil helps reduce oxidative damage and prevent mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and aging due to its free radical scavenging activities.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Oregano oil and its components may help reduce inflammation, which is linked to several adverse health effects.
  • Role in Respiratory Health: Oregano oil has been used to support respiratory health and relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions.
  • Potential in Weight Management: Oregano oil may benefit gut health by killing gut parasites and preventing harmful bacteria overgrowth, which can contribute to weight management.

Oregano oil for weight management

How to Use Oregano Essential Oil

There are several ways to use oregano essential oil, including aromatherapy, topical applications, and ingestion. However, it is essential to take precautions and follow recommendations for each method.

  • Aromatherapy: Add a few drops of oregano oil to a diffuser or inhale it directly from the bottle to experience its benefits.
  • Topical Applications: Dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, before applying it to the skin. This can help with wound treatment, skin conditions, and muscle aches.
  • Ingestion: Oregano oil can be taken orally, but it is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional, as it is highly concentrated. Oregano oil capsules are also available, which provide a more convenient and controlled way to consume the oil.

oregano oil capsules

Oregano Oil for Dogs and Cats

Oregano oil can also be beneficial for pets, such as dogs and cats. However, it is essential to use caution and consult a veterinarian before using it on your pets. Oregano oil can be toxic to cats in high doses, so it is best to avoid using it on them. For dogs, oregano oil can be used to support their immune system, promote digestion, and relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions.

How to Make Oregano Essential Oil

To make oregano essential oil at home, you will need a carrier oil, such as olive oil, and dried or fresh oregano leaves. Here are two methods you can use:

Heated Method:

  1. Place the oregano in a glass jar and cover it to the top with the carrier oil, using equal amounts of dried oregano and oil. If using fresh leaves, you may need to use less oil than the original volume of oregano leaves, as they may wilt in the oil.
  2. Stir to combine the ingredients and adjust the oil if it doesn’t cover the leaves. Then, seal the jar with the lid.
  3. Bring a pot of water to a boil, with enough water to cover the ingredients in the jar. Place the jar in the hot water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  4. After 2 weeks, strain the oil from the oregano leaves, pouring the remaining oil into a clean, airtight glass jar or dispensing bottle. It’s now ready for use.

Cold-Pressed Method:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 of the heated method.
  2. Store the jar in a dark place away from sunlight for two weeks, shaking it every two days.
  3. After two weeks, the color of the oil should be green, indicating that it’s ready to use.

how to make oregano oil

Oregano Essential Oil Side Effects

Oregano essential oil can have some side effects when not used properly. Here are some of the potential side effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Upset: Oregano oil may cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions, including skin rash, hives, and difficulty breathing.
  • Interactions with Medications: Oregano oil can interact with certain medications, so it’s important to check with your doctor before using it.
  • Skin Irritation: Oregano oil may cause skin irritation when applied topically.
  • Miscarriage: Pregnant women should avoid using oregano oil, as it may lead to miscarriage when taken in high doses.
  • Other Side Effects: Oregano oil may cause symptoms such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, muscle pain, vertigo, and excessive salivation.


Oregano essential oil is a potent elixir that offers numerous health benefits. Its key components, such as carvacrol and thymol, contribute to its antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Oregano oil can be used in various ways, including aromatherapy, topical applications, and ingestion, but it is crucial to take precautions and follow recommendations for each method. Additionally, oregano oil can be beneficial for pets, such as dogs, but it is essential to use caution and consult a veterinarian before using it on your pets. While oregano oil offers numerous health benefits, it can also have some side effects, so it is essential to use it in moderation and consult a healthcare professional if you experience any adverse effects.


  1. Is oregano essential oil safe for ingestion?
    While some believe in its benefits when ingested, always consult with a healthcare professional before doing so.
  2. Can I apply oregano oil directly to my skin?
    It’s recommended to dilute the oil with a carrier oil before topical application.
  3. Does oregano essential oil have a strong aroma?
    Yes, it has a distinctive warm and spicy scent, which many find invigorating.
  4. Can oregano oil interact with medications?
    There’s potential for interactions, so it’s essential to discuss with a healthcare provider if you’re on medications.
  5. Is oregano oil safe for pets?
    Always consult with a veterinarian before using any essential oils around pets.

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